Monday, March 16, 2009

Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall

Sorry for not writing yesterday. I was cycling with my son on Saturday evening. We are close to reaching home. I tried to cycle with one hand and then was trying to use one finger when I lost control and fell. I had lots of scratches. Plenty of skin gone from my knee, hands and leg. I used my right hand to break my fall and hurt my wrist and elbow. The bone in my right knee has a huge bulge and is very tender. I went to the sinseh on Sunday morning. Did not sleep well for two nights as my body wracks in pain every time I shift my body. This morning my right arm is swollen and increased in size by 30%. Movement is very limited and painful.

Internet is great. I did some research and apply cold compress and it reduces my swelling and with the swelling reduced, my mobility increased. I have no strength in my hand or arms. No more fooling around or trying out new tricks.

Yes, it is hard to teach old dogs new tricks.

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