Monday, February 23, 2009

Money Will Be Useless

Some psychics are predicting money will be useless. Investment guru in Money Section of Straits Times recommends to buy gold and Singapore stocks. I have been giving money a lot of thoughts. In a crisis and stupendous change, a what-if scenario is "money is useless". Right now it is just a number in a bank account. Say if there is a pole shift. The Earth is upside down. Everything will be in a turmoil. All electric power are gone. No computer can run. Then what?? All paper money will be useless. It will be back to stone age. What can city dwellers like us offer? We have no survival skills outside a man-made world. All trades will be barter. I wonder what would people do. Many will die of starvation as harvest from the farms will have trouble getting to the people who need them.

On the other hand, if the world did not turn upside down, computers are still running and we all still have to earn money, the number in the bank account is very important. It allow us to buy creature comforts i.e. shelter, food and clothing. It is allow us higher standard of living i.e. tours, entertainment, sports and nice cars and fashionable clothing.

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