Saturday, December 27, 2008

Renewing Friendship

Two of my old friends come over for dinner. It is great to catch up with old friends. I make my signature rojak dish for dessert. We had R2E2 Australian mangoes as well. R2E2 is at a good price with the weak Aussie dollar. Giant was selling them at $2.65 each a couple of weeks ago. Now it is on sale in Carrefour for $2.95 each. They are huge mangoes and full of flavours. This is now can compete with harum manis, the Indonesian mango.
Humans socialise over food. I used to think only Asian does. Chinese used food more than Westerners. West prefers alcohol beverages for social networking. Alcohol depresses the brain and make people feels relax.
As for me, my beverage for social glue is tea. Hot English tea from India and hot Chinese tea from China.

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