Sunday, February 17, 2008

Home Style BBQ

It is actually quite simple to barbeque meat. The important step is to clean the meat thoroughly.
Use generous amount of salt and rub all over the meat.
Then rinse off the salt.
Next use alcohol to marinate the meat.
Do not do the typical local style of adding soy sauce and pepper to the meat.
Add dried rosemary to the mixture to give the smoky favour to the meat.
Heat up the bbq stove for 15 mins on high heat.
Put meat on the grill and turnover the meat about two minutes and reduce heat to low after another two minutes.
This will seal the meat juices and lower heat will cook the meat inside without burning the surface of the meat.
When the meat are evenly cooked, remove from the stove.
Serve warm and if unable to finish, keep it in the fridge and you can reheat in a toaster oven or eat the bbq meat cold.


Anonymous said...

It sounds yummy!!! Do I get the chance to taste on your homemade BBQ rib? Haha.

BookLover said...

Of course, so instead of teh halia you can come to my place for bbq!

Anonymous said...

I live nearby your place so pls invite me la hehehe.

BookLover said...

BT, you are invited and will get SL as well.