Sunday, November 18, 2007

Violent Thunderstorm

The rain started in the afternoon 3pm. It drizzles at first then stop. Then the rain starts again steadily pelting away. At about 4pm, the lightning flashes in increasing frequency and intensity. And the winds strengthen to gale force. The rain has become stormy. I took a drive out and tree branches had fallen on the road. Some trees had bigger branches broken and obstructing the roads. I must say our services have improved because there were workers clearing the blockage. This reminds me of living in Toronto where snowstorms are frequent and the city has an army of emergency vehicles to clear snow and remove distressed vehicles.

I also think it may be the global change in weather that we are getting more and more violent storms in Singapore. Unfortunately, scientists agree this phenomenon will become more common in future. We have to learn to live in nature rebelling against man's blatant disrespect for the environment.

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