Sunday, June 03, 2007

White Clouds, Blue Sky

I am sitting right in my home office and gazing out. The weather is beautiful. The sun is bright, the sky is clear and white clouds billows moving about slowly. It is peace and transquillity. Kids at the computer playing games, wife reading the papers... a great Sunday morning.

I "harvested" about 15 limes, larger than those you get in the market from my garden. I washed and cut them up and squeeze very drop of juice out. I added loads of sugar and add boiling water. Hey presto! Home-made lime juice fresh from the garden. Fresher than the brand "Fresh" fruit juice in the supermarket. As I was making my home-made lime juice, I told my eldest the lime was in the tree 15mins ago, lime juice can't get fresher any where else. Dad, you can get it in the farm. It feels good that to have a minute slice of a farm!

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