Saturday, April 14, 2007


What is life about? Why are there so many stars? What are UFOs? Are there more than three dimensions? If the fourth dimension is time, then time travel is a reality. Just that we, three dimensional being can never understand or experience. How about other realms of reality? Astral travel, or the soul travel to another place separate from the physical body, is this real? How about telepathy or precognition? Many a time, I have this funny feeling about someone going to call and the phone rang.

Is the earth core hollow? What is parallel universe? Do you know if there is another planet orbiting opposite our Earth, we can never see it. There are so many mysteries on earth and in our life. Many questions????


Anonymous said...

don u believe in astral travel by losang rampa coz he was a conman and was exposed as a canadian white and not a tibetian monk.

BookLover said...

Lobsang Rampa was Tibetan monk before his soul transmigrate to Cyril Hoskin, a British plumber who was contemplating on suicide.