Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Science Fair at Anderson Junior College

B1, the eldest is in Secondary 3. He took part in Science Fair with a group of classmates. They decided to extract reservatrol from grapes. Reservatrol is a phytochemical that prevent cancer and can be found in red wines. His team has to compete with about 40 other projects. They have to do presentation and draw charts and presented their findings. Some of the projects that won prizes are very simple in concept and have good application at home. One is a watering system - Silver. I was impressed by the group that tested boiled water for bacteria over a long period. This team won the gold award. The findings was easy to remember. Bacteria is at highest level at day 9 and day 10. After that the quantities come down again. So it is very safe to drink boiled water that is stored for a long time, the only challenge is to avoid day 9 and 10.

B1's team won silver and he is very happy to get the award and Mum and Dad are proud, very proud.

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