Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Very Tired and Sleepy, Yet Hard to Sleep

Ever in this state before? I am all hot and bothered by what is happening at work. I am so tired and had a wonderful dinner. My big mistake is to continue to work at night. Some emails came in that cause me to be upset and frustrate. Our office is filled with people who have nothing to do except to demand paperwork to be done so that they can be gainfully employed. An incredible waste of resources. This is one company that I sincerely believe will never be competitive with this kind of system and processes. It is huge and have huge cashflow. But it is living in the past. The control and more control is going to reduce efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. Over time the bureacracy take a life of its own.

I am a "leader" when they needed to pin responsibility for not making something happens. When I try, they make me jumps through hops and more hops by filling up paper and getting more details and then no answer. It is a no-win situation. Yes, it is still a good company with steady pay. The economy is getting better and turnover is increasing. Over time, it will have to review its policy and systems. Maybe the rumours may come true and it get bought out by a more dynamic company. There are loads of potential for this company but it is wasting all the goodwill and capability.

Thank God there is a self correcting mechanism in Wall Street. As long as we are not making efficient use of the money and brand equity, there possibility of something happen dramatically will increase. Until then, I can only look forward for D-day.

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