Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Importance of HR

HR function has an important role to play in an organisation. The key role of HR is to make employees are happy and productive. It is imperative for HR to work on talent retention and recruitment rather than finding ways to turn the organisation into a communist state where everyone has the same salary range and benefits. The key argument of HR is other people with the same job scope complains about inequity or how unfair someone else is paid more for the same job. So to be fair, HR will equalise everyone on the "same" job.

Conversation with other senior staff in the company, I know our HR is causing morale problems. The attitude of our HR manager is driving down morale and motivation to work and bring in results for the company. Senior staff is critical to the running of the company. The impact of the role is huge.

Support function like HR role must be clearly define to help the businesses to run. When HR start to run down senior employees of the company, the company will be in a state of decline. Performance and results will suffer. There is a bright spot for this sad state HR created. Competition get to grow bigger and more profitable.


Anonymous said...

If the person has more responsibility, then he/she should be paid more. Seriously, I think employees should be given a survey form on the HR performance. U know, the Dell company actually ask their employees to grade their CEO and Chairman. After reading the feedback, the leaders actually changed for the better.

BookLover said...

SL, this is an excellent idea. Only enlightened or progressive company will do so. For this particular instance, only HR who are serious in doing a good job will survey and find out how they are doing.