Sunday, January 28, 2007

What Peak Performers Do.

Research on Peak Performers are aplenty. What is Peak Performance? Peak Performance is the maximum and best work.

Peak performers come from all walks of life. People doing their best work in the context of their jobs.

- I love it...peak performers like what they are doing and enjoys their work thoroughly. They does because they feel rewarded by the work itself.

- Missions that motivate...peak performers may be doing a small part of a big job. This story should be familiar with some of you. Long ago during the Roman empire, a wise man approach 3 bricklayers building a church. He asks the first bricklayer "what are you doing?". "Can you see, I am laying bricks" he replied. He goes to the second bricklayer "what are you doing?" "I am earning a living and providing for my family" he replied. He was to the last bricklayer and asks "what are you doing?". "I am building the world greatest cathedral" he replied. Guess, I need not tell you which of the three has the highest productivity and quality.

- Results in Real-time...peak performer get immediate feedback. Tiger Woods, the legendary golfer does not socialise after every game. He will go to bed early and wake up early. While having his breakfast, he will watch a replay of his previous day's game. Hence, feedback is the breakfast of Champions.

- Invest in yourself...peak performers never stop training themselves to improve their game or competencies. Peter Drucker, the management guru, contravene conventional wisdom by recommending that you train yourself on areas you are strong in and NOT where you are weak. Training yourself on what you are good mean learning is fun and enjoyable. Best of all, benefits are huge.

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