Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday - the sacred rest day

Sunday I understand is the first day of the week during the times of Romans. The bible says God takes 6 days to create heaven, earth and man. On the 7th day, He took a rest. Hence Christians think Sunday is for rest and for God. I remembered for the longest time, the department store, Tangs do not open on Sundays. The boss is a staunch Christian and feel that his staff need to rest on Sundays even though Tang is losing sales on the busiest day of the week. I believe it was the only store closed on Sunday in the whole stretch of Orchard Road.

Today, we do spring cleaning and clear out a lot of junk off our house. We have to clean out once a while to make sure we can make room for things we keep acquiring as the only entertainment Singaporeans have is going to the malls. So much for city life.

Yes, Sunday is a rest day. A day for the family, a day with friends, a day to catch up with cleaning, a day to laze around, a day for rest and recreation, a day to thank for. Thank God for Sunday.

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