Thursday, November 23, 2006

Strengths - Your Career Success

Peter Drucker was the first to bring the importance of developing and using one's strengths to improve business results. Gallup poll did a lot of research on "employee's engagement". The first book that come up from Gallup research is First Break all the Rules. This book list the 12 key questions that employees answers will predict business success level. This book suggest break the conventional rules of giving and getting more training on what you are weak in. Spend more time with your best and most productive employee. The usual HR process is to spend more time with the weaker employees to improve their performance. So out goes conventional wisdom. Hence break the rules!

The next book by Gallup is Now, Discover Your Strengths. This book develops the theme of concentrating on your personal strengths to improve your performance. There is a password in every book for you to go to their website to test your own strengths. The truncated or short report is free. You will need to pay for the full report. To understand yourself better read the book and do the test. You will discover yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with u. The usual HR process is to spend more time with their so called kakis who are normally not very strong.