Saturday, October 14, 2006


Is moving up the organization ladder important? More power, more status, more benefits, more money, more, more, more!!!

How about family? Happy, well-adjusted family! Relocation is disruptive to everyone. Schools, friends, extended family, neighbours, food...the list go on.

Feeling left out? Sour grapes? Not brooding but being pensive and thoughtful. Have I reach the level of incompetence? Or did the fire of ambition get extinguished? Why teach? Why help others improve? How about taking care of yourself? Questions are many. Answers? Continue searching...


Anonymous said...

Hmm, have u ever thought of teaching? There is one marketing guy who changed to teaching and is not promoted to Principal.
He said one very inspiring thing. Teaching is like Marketing. You create the desire for the students to learn. I find that very meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Pai sei it should be He has been promoted to Principlal.

BookLover said...

I am a teacher! I like to teach adults and get people motivated to continue to learn. I have no ambition to be a school teacher. My dream is still have my own business. Maybe a small cafe will do.