Saturday, June 03, 2006


Life is a series of questions...

Why are we here?
What is the purpose of life?
Why are there so much suffering?
Why must people fight with each other?
What is love?
Why must there be a lifecycle i.e. why do people marry and have kids?
Why must we work?
Is making money that important?
Without money, how can one live?
Is there life outside earth?
What is life?


Li said...

Lifecycle is due to the decision the person made. There is always the choice not to get married. Suffering is due to ignorance. Accepting the imperfection in life lead to contentment. Eg. Accepting the fact that death is a parcel of life lead us to enjoy the gift of life.

BookLover said...

You are right! In Tao, life and death are a duality i.e. there no death without life. As Lao Tze puts it, death is determined the moment you are born.