Thursday, June 01, 2006

Good Business

Good Business by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Mihaly is a Professor of Psychology in Claremont Graduate University in California. He is the author of "Flow". Flow is similar to nirvana in Buddhist terms. Flow is the joy when you are doing something that makes you forget about time. It is synomous with Happiness. Nirvana is bliss. Hence the similarity.

In Good Business, there are several examples of well business person and how they deal with issues. For example, Sir John Templeton would pray. He prays a lot. He prays while driving. Jack Greenburg CEO of AIG describes on of the strategies for change - "Another thing I've learned is that you don't make an important decision when your own mental attitude isn't in a healthy state. Because you're prone to make a bad decision. You've got to make sure you're not too tired or not down, you're not depressed - whatever the words are - because it affects your thought processes."

Good Business must have a vision. However vision alone is not enough. It has to be translated into the operating practices of the institution. "Walk the walk". There must be respect and trust in the members and also concerned personal growth of its members.

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