Friday, November 18, 2005

Lousy week

I have a hard time coming up with the title for this message. My feelings are in a turmoil. My division looks likely to be "integrated" into a bigger team. Looks like the small team that work for me will be gone. It is sad because I had spent time and energy building up this team. We have so much synergies and we are a high performing team. We grew our sales by more than 30% year on year for the last 3 years and profits doubled this year and the year before. 4 years ago when I join, we were doing over US$2 million in sales. This year we will have more US$2 million in operating profits. It is an achievement that makes me proud. We have 7 in our team when we started four years ago and today we have on 6. We have done more with less!!

I had dinner with a colleague last night. YP suggested I should start and do my own business. I have demonstrated my capabilities and why am I working to enrich shareholders? Very good point. Most people around me make the same observation. I have to reflect why. This is the 2nd time I have turn around a company that makes losses into profit and continue it profitable growth. I wonder why I am too scared to make it our on my own. YP asked how much does it cost to register and start a business in Singapore. I told her money is not the issue.

Why? Why? Why?? Why am I afraid to start? Why not keep all the profit for myself? Why not work in a company I own? I can now train and develop my staff. Recognise and reward them base on my own philosophy instead of someone else. She knows I love to train and coach. Start a consulting company, she says.

The time has come. The fork in the road is coming up fast. It is time for me to take the road less travelled.


S said...

Hey do not be afraid. Listen to your heart. Anyway there is a saying of Entreprenuers when I studied Management of Enterprise when I was in polytechnic. They said Entrepreneur is someone who is willing to work for 16 hours a day so that they don't have to work 8 hours a day for someone else. My dad is doing his own business too although it is not doing too well now. If you don't try, you never know. Of course, you must have a good business plan and strategy. Is it is niche market? Who are your competitors. What are your strengths and weakness?

S said...

I think the reason why u are afraid is because you have a family to support. Perhaps you need to take into consideration the risk and make sure that cash flow is not a problem. During my free time, I attended seminars by successful entrepreneurs and banker. Always have a viable plan and ensure positive cash flow. As they said Self-trust is the first secret to success.

BookLover said...

Sze Li, I appreciate your comments and views. I will need to venture out. Otherwise, it will always be a dream. Supporting a family and maintaining the standard of living is a huge challenge and greatest fear. I have support with some conditions attached. I am risk averse and very "corporate". So you hit it right on the nail...self-trust.