I have been welcoming my sisters and their families for many years now. In the last few years, I noticed that the soda consumed is decreasing. This year, no one took any soda at all. The kids have grown up, and many have kids of their own. Only two Pepsi cans were open this year, and my boys and I drank them.
The guests drink only water. I cooked 3 cups of rice and only a bit was eaten. All just ate the chicken and cabbage.
Next year, I have to cook less rice. In fact, I noticed only my boys ate the rice and their consumption was quite little. More than half the rice was not eaten.
Also I am getting more ang pows. My eldest sisters 2 girls both gave me angpows. My baby sister's son gave me an angpow too.
I am starting to receive angpows!!! The first to give me was Prisca. She has given me angpows for a couple of years now. This year, I received from Dawn and Sean. My nieces and nephew have grown and are now adults. I am getting old....