Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Warming Up

It was freezing with heavy clouds in the morning when we leave for work. By afternoon when we go out for lunch, the temperature has risen up and it is quite nice. Lunch was all-you-can-eat sushi in a casino. The sushi was good. I love the all you can eat concept. I had a more filling lunch than yesterday. Of course eating with men helps. They understand what quantity of food a man needs.

We had good conversation about food, Asia, durians and travelling. It is pretty consistent that all dads do projects for their boys. This step-father helped the son with his project and there is a small piece he wanted the boy to finish using Excel to produce a chart for the experiment. This boy who had attained master-level in a few of the computer games he played, finds it too difficult to key in 5 sets of numbers into the Excel spreadsheet in order to produce a chart. So he was penalised 5 points and had 45 marks out of 50.

I feel so much better when it warms up. The trip is coming to an end soon. I will be able to exercise off a lot of the weight I gained while living here for the past three weeks. Yep! I have plenty of work to do!

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