Monday, March 19, 2012

Ignorant Immigration Officers

I was going to the Canadian Immigration and a sign says “APEC card” and directed me to a different queue. The officer is surprised by me. He asked what is my special circumstances and I showed him the card. He does not recognized it. He asked his colleague in the next station and that guy just shrugged his shoulders. I just queue with everyone else. It is not a pleasant experience especially with self righteous ignoramous man who is an ass. Canada must have sign up as APEC but their officers do not know. How could the country tap into the economies of Asia Pacific when they treat the holders of APEC cards shabbily? Do they know they are offending businessman who can help them in their economy? I bet they don’t and they don’t care since they have a very high opinion of themselves.
My wife always tells me that Canada is so backward and far behind Asia in technology and products. She is so right! While Asia zooms along, Canadians are falling behind. Anyway, they have a big country and plenty of resources. So they are lucky but it is a matter of time before they screw up their own future.
I am glad to visit mum. I fixed up her light and clean her vacuum cleaner. We also looked for a mattress to increase the height of her bed. The errands are very simple and easy to do but for her, it was impossible as she does not have the ability to do her with her limited mobility and lack of do-it-yourself skills. I am glad I can leave her in a better position than before my visit. We will look for a vacuum cleaner that can suck up all the dirt and hairs.

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