Monday, March 12, 2012

Gratitudes for Today

I forget to do my gratitudes for the past few days. The excitement of meeting new people, soaking up new experience and work work work. Now it is time to do my gratitudes.

I have to crack my head to think of my gratitudes. It may be the jetlag. My brain is sleepy and yet not. Kind of in a limbo state...yeah it is just excuses for not figuring my gratitudes.

Okay, here goes:

1. I am grateful for technology. Now I can keep in touch with family. I can look at the camera remotely and see my family having their dinner. Technology makes travelling so much better. I am not glued to the TV and trying to flip through channels to look for something I like.

2. Shelter. I am grateful to be in a nice warm shelter while to wind is blowing non-stop. It is nice to be sitting beside a warm fire and hearing the crackles as the logs burn.

3. Friends. I am grateful for staying over with a friend. It is so warm and nice to see the frisky boys. Good food instead of hamburgers. Nice soups and Asian cuisine in white land. I also get to cut out the fruits for the family like I do at home. A slice of family indeed!

I may need a nap as I am so sleepy now...zzzzZZZZ.

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