Monday, March 12, 2012

What A Nice Evening

Dinner is homecooked NY Striploin. The steak was simply seasoned with Lava Salt. The salt is black in colour as it is impregnated with carbon. The meat was done just right for me - medium and it is just pink inside. Very tender and excellent flavor. I learned how to prepare and cook asparagus by observing how my friend's wife does it. Little tricks of wisdom like bending the asparagus until it snaps. Where it snaps is the length to discard as it will be too fibrous. The asparagus is then fried in lard. Mmmm! Yummy. I also learn a meat thermometer is important for bbqing. It takes the guesswork of making sure it is cooked or not inside.

I sit beside the wood fireplace with burning logs to do blogging. It is nice, warm and cosy. The fire will crackles now and then. It is heavenly feeling.

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