Saturday, July 09, 2016

Fountain of Youth

In the morning, we went to Chinatown Point to pass time and check out on prices of sea cucumbers as this is my wife's latest hobby. 

My mum used to give her sea cucumber but she did not know how to rehydrate.  So she always give them to my 2nd sister.  Lately, she saw pictures of my mum and she looked a lot younger and healthier.  She asked B1 and B3 who were in Canada for a few months and one month respectively.  They informed her grandma eats sea cucumber regularly.  She will buy in bulk and negotiate a good price.  She get special price as she will bring in other customers to the shop.  My boys loved her cooking.  They even ate her sea cucumbers.  I have a hard time swallowing sea cucumbers as they do not taste good to me.

My wife actually has a healthy glow since she get onto the sea cucumber program.  She also feel better and is stronger.  She can twist bottle caps off from the bottles of fish essence.  Before, she will need a tool or I will have to twist open for her.  Now she is even stronger in her twisting than me!

Dried Sea cucumbers are expensive.  In the market, the rehydrated one is only $38/kg.  The dried kinds range from $200 to $1000 per kg.  I must say if you are discipline and eats sea cucumber regularly, the effect is quite startling.

Try it and let your friends or relative who have not seen you a few months and let them asked you what happens or they suspect you went for cosmetic surgery!


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

wow I must try it too! BL are the dried ones better?

BookLover said...

BT, we have never tried those in the wet market. Only dried ones. You need to soak in water for a few days and clean up the inside and change fresh water every day.