Friday, July 03, 2015

Fabulous Sinseh!

I have been suffering from low back pain in the last two days after working on levelling the tile in my front yard.  This afternoon, my wife insist we go to visit a sinseh recommended by her classmate.  I am reluctant as my backache has been a chronic issue since I went to army.  After a few weeks, it will usually go away as I exercise to strengthen my back muscles. 

We drove all the way to Jurong East.  We are lucky as he was talking to a customer when we arrive.  The customer leaves once he saw us walked in.  He asked what is your problem.  I explained my back hurts after working on the yard.  He told me I need to use a stool and not squat.  I told him, I did.  Then he explain that it is my discs misalignment and pinching the nerve.  He made me stand in front of the mirror and showed me that my "spare tyre" is bigger on the left compared to the right.  Then he adjusted my spine by cracking it.  He also pressed into my hip.  After adjustment, he asked me to go in front of the mirror and observe my spare tyre.  He is indeed correct, it is more balance now.  My back pain also disappeared.  Then he teach me to exercise my back muscle.  I have to do it every morning and evening.

The exercise is simple.  The problem is discipline.  I will need to make this exercise a habit.

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