Friday, March 09, 2012

Up at 3 in the Morning

I was up since 3am here in Vegas. It is 7pm Singapore time. I was unable to go back to sleep, so I turn on the TV to keep me company and hoping it will put me back to sleep but no joy. So I get up and make hot tea as my throat is dry. Humidity is so low here. Pitchers of ice water do not sweat or have any condensation whatsoever even after a few hours. It runs counter to what I am used to. Cold cups at home always sweats immediately. The sweats always leave a big water puddle on the table.

US is so big. So a couple of the fathers have kids going to University. They spend time visiting so many Universities. The choices are quite extensive and many factors to consider. So many good schools that I am very envious that Americans are so lucky. I reflect on this as B1 is evaluating Universities too. It may not be a good thing for Americans to have so many good choices at home. As Jim Collins put it - Good is the enemy of Great. Americans do not even think of Universities in Europe or Asia. In this respect, B1 has an advantage. He has to evaluate Universities in England as America. It is not global evaluation but much broader in scope. So B1 will have broader experience whether he goes to England or America to do his degree.

So it makes sense why Empires rise and fall. Wealth do not last more than 3 generations. When you are at the top of the game, just looking at yourself is busy enough that you will stop looking outside and evaluate how others do. This will be the start of decline...

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