Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lightning and Thunder

4am. Lightning flashes and thunder boom. The flashes of light woke me up. I tried to go back to sleep but unable to. The toads are croaking. It has been some time that toads have not be croaking when it rained. I am glad they are back.

It all started when we first moved to our current house. We walked along the field to get to the LRT (light rail transit). It was December and the field was wet. We passed several puddles of water and B3 noticed movements in the puddles. He squats down to examine closely and found there were tadpoles. So we were returned home, he get a plastic spoon and container and scoop out some tadpoles. We put the tadpoles into the pond in our front yard. The tadpoles turned into tiny toads and left the pond and our home. Since then, we hear toads croaking every rainy seasons.

Last year, however, the toads did not returned. I was worried that they may all be eaten up by predators along the PCN. It is an eco-system. If they do not return, they are dying from lack of food or were eaten up. I know pollution is not a factor as there are plenty of birds of different varieties in the PCN. The birds ate fruits, insects, fishes or lizards. I have seen a white-throat Kingfisher with a lizard in its beak while cycling.

Soon day will be breaking. I am wondering what time B1 can book out of his camp...

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