Monday, March 26, 2012

Another Night Ahead

Jetlag is one of the "fun" in travelling across time zones. Now I am up in the middle of night while everyone else is sleeping. Luckily, there are plenty of 24-hr spots compared to the past. Also internet helps time to pass quickly.

I will go to Mustapha for window shopping and Indian food and teh halia after I finished blogging. I will eat for my friend who loved Indian food. Mustapha is the first supermarket/departmental store to open 24hours.

It is good to live in the city where it is always busy. I can go to a coffeeshop or cafe and past time with people around me. In US, all you have is a home. This may be why a huge home is needed. Huge kitchen for all kinds of gadgets for cooking, room for entertainment, room for office, room for exercise, room for formal dining, room for casual dining, room for so many different use. So it is like bringing the city to the home. I enjoys going to the cafe where I can people-watch and let people watch me.

I was at Chomp-Chomp at 3am yesterday. There are groups of 3 or 4 eating or walking along the street. They are all young. Groups of older men drink beers outside a closed coffeeshop and making a big mess while they chat and snacks.

It is time to go Mustapha...

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