Friday, March 15, 2024

Am I happy?

 I have not been working.  So free from the stress of work and workplace politics.  Am I happy?  I am not sure.  Before stopping work, I had bought lots and lots of books to read and study.  Now I am getting rid of books.  I am slowly trying to clear up the clutter in my house.  I saw the books cost a lot of money.  Some fiction books I bought for my boys cost more than $50 each.  The books have turned yellow and spotted with brown patches.  I feel quite bad that expensive books are printed on poor quality newsprint paper.  Anyhoo, the books have aged and served their purpose.  Time to move on.

I find reading on ebook is quite difficult to stay focused for long period.  It is easy with physical book.  I remember getting the rush when I enjoyed reading and learning new stuff or even just a story.  As a growing boy, I read Enid Byton.  It feels good to read about boys and girls doing stuff.  Imagine the world of pixies and globins.  The magic faraway tree.  Or going adventure with the Famous Five.  Then the fairy tales where the kids are saved from evil stepmothers or poor girl who marry a Prince and live happily ever after.

Living free from work does not seem to be happily ever after.  It is free to fill up my time with brainless activity i.e. youtube and Tiktok.  Now even movies from Netflix are too long.  Days are quite peaceful.  Granddaughter is a joy.

The Life 2.0 begun...

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