Monday, June 25, 2018

Car Accident

I was involved in an accident on Friday evening.  I release my brake and my car moved forward and hit the other car while we are waiting to get out of the main road.  This guy drives a KIA.  Anyway, I thought we just report the accident since it is just a touch.  However, my brother-in-law suggested to do private settlement.  I tried with him this morning and he declined.  So I guess just let it be.

The good thing about this accident is I bought 4D and the other car number popped up 3rd prize.  2nd prize is the same numbers but in different order.  I bought iBet and won a little bit of money.  I hope it is enough to compensate for the increased in my insurance premium.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

I am sorry to hear about the accident. Fortunately no one was hurt. Good thing is
you strike 4 D.

BookLover said...

It was just a bumper scratcher. So it is not a big deal.