Saturday, October 28, 2017

Phoon Huat 10% discount until October 31st

My wife loved Phoon Huat as she can buy her toys and ingredients to cook and bake.  Yesterday, after dropping B3 off for his exams, we stopover in Phoon Huat Toa Payoh.  We purchase some items and found that there is 10% discount storewide.  So, we brought B3 to get some of the stuff he likes as he enjoys cooking and baking.  He bought his favorites - marshmallows and jelly powder.  He just loved sweets.  Last night, he cooked the jelly and this morning toast the marsh mellow. 

My wife makes tiramisu after lunch.  It is quite enjoyable treat.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

It is good to eat at home BL :)

BookLover said...

Yes, it is nice but a lot of work. We will take a break once the exams are over.