Monday, June 26, 2017

Geyland Serai Hip Market

On Saturday evening, B3 is celebrating his prelim exams finished with his classmates with a trip to the much publicised Hari Raya market in Geyland Serai.  We dropped him off in Bishan station so that he could meet up with his classmates and go there together.  B1 is interested to check out the market as well although Mummy is quite reluctant due to the crowd.

Since I am the driver, I thought we can see if we get carpark.  If so, we could let B1 and B2 enjoy the festival.  It was the last day of the market.  We had dinner at the hawker center.  It was about 6pm, so there are many seats as the main patrons have not buka puasa.  B1 and B2 tried Nasi Padang with a long queue.  Each plate is about $4 but has no meat as all the meat dishes were sold out.  Mummy and I had 10 chicken satay.  After dinner, we explore the festive stalls.  Like the Straits Times publish, plenty of "hip" food and the prices are exorbitant.  B3 spent $18 and felt it is ok as he expected to spend more.  What is with the kids today?!  B2, B3, mummy and daddy spent only $20 for dinner for the 4 of us.  B3 is spending the same amount on himself and felt it was ok.

My hip starts hurting after walking for maybe 10 mins.  So I go to the Alwadi Indian Muslim Coffeeshop for teh halia as teh halia is not available in the Geyland Serai Hawker Center.  The teh halia cost $1.20 and taste quite good.  They have fried banana and fried jampelak(similar to jackfruit).  The fried banana is so-so as it is not ripe.

Two women with a young boy shared our table and we strike up conversation as she explains eating the dates before breaking fast to us.  It is to give the sugar rush to the brain before they start eating.  I find Malays are friendlier and comfortable talking to strangers.

It was a nice trip out with our 2 boys:)

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