Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Singapore is changing and we are experiencing the effects of policies like "foreign talent" and pro-business.  Employers are protected and given advantage while employees are on their own.  PMETs are suffering as the laws in Singapore make it difficult and expensive to fight in court for unfair dismissals or termination of employment contract.  In other developed countries like Australia, Canada, US or Europe, citizens are protected from foreigners.  The companies have to prove that they have tried very hard to hire locals before they can hire foreigners.  Terminating employees requires justification and proof.

In Singapore, PMETs are vulnerable.  The employment contract says serve the legal notice period i.e. usually 1 month and that it.  Companies can just tell the employees that you no longer have the job and that is it.  No need to explain why.  Then hire a cheaper worker e.g. foreign worker. 

I hope the upcoming election will have change.  Serious change with the government so that we can have at least a level playing field with big companies.

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