Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Molar taken out

My gum has been bleeding excessively.  I went to look for my dentist and found the condition of my molar has deteriorated.  The bridge I had lasted for more than 30 years.  My dentist told me they usually last for 15 to 20 years.  I had the bridge replaced before.  So they think I had my money worth.  I still think dental treatment is very expensive.  Now a dental implant cost $5K per tooth.  Bridge is $1200.  So price of treatment has gone up but so have the ability to do more with our teeth.  I do not know.  Teeth is the most important asset.  Actually all our body parts are important assets.  Any one of the them is down can cost a lot of money for treatment or even maintain basic life.  So kidney failure means huge expense every month.  Or losing an arm or leg or whatever.  It is terrible.  Let's not delve on horrible stuff and focus on positive aspect of life.

Life is good when we help others and joyful when we have kids.  So live and let's live.

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