Sunday, October 16, 2011


It is quite cold landing into Frankfurt. I have to wait for 2 and half hours to take my connecting flight to Dusseldorf. Flying over Germany, the landscape show the low density of the country. Plenty of forest and farmlands. There are clusters of houses spread out across the country. Unlike Singapore where tall buildings dominate the landscape. The houses are individual two storeys and a bunch of them would cluster together like a village. Some clusters are bigger, many a hundred or two. Probably many of the clusters are just farmers and they either own or work the land surrounding the houses.

It is Sunday and there are not much activity outside the hotel. I may take a walk just to familiarise myself with the surrounding and for exercise.

Internet make it so much easier to pass time nowadays when travelling into a foreigh country. I remember I was bored to death on a weekend in Holland. No shops, freezing weather, and nothing to do. At least I can blog and surf the net nowadays.

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