Saturday, January 13, 2007

Nature at my doorstep

It has been raining all day. In the fields, the bull toads are croaking loudly to attract their mates. It is deafening in my front yard. This little critter is like a bull horn. My pond has attracted a toad shouting for a mate last night. Tonight, the croaks were back and I decide to check it out. There is a pair! Soon, I may have tadpoles in my pond.

This set me thinking... I thought the toad manage to find my pond somehow. Maybe it is because my pond has wildlife(a couple of fishes from Pierce Reservoir). Then I remember we had caught tadpoles from the nearby fields and put them in our pond. The tadpoles grew to toads and left home. Maybe and just maybe they have returned to pond they up grew up before leaving home to seek their fortune. Now it is time for them to come back home to spawn.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

BL..u remind me of my childhood days when i used to catch tadpoles,frogs,fishes and the i am just contented to sit in front of my pc....hehehe

BookLover said...

Lifestyle change as one grows up. Lifestyle also change with times. Today's kids like my boys also sit in front of their pcs...