Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Armchair Travelog

Travelling can be interesting although for me, it is work. Actually, work is fun for me. I exists for work. So now in Taipei is R&R for the team and their loved ones. I hope they enjoyed themselves. I know one thing for sure. They hardly slept during this trip. They were up and out till wee hours. The girls were shopping with vengence. They purchase as if there were no tomorrow. Their boyfriends were eating their hearts out. I am glad to see them so happy with this trip. My teammates are young. They have the energy to go sleepless for a few nights and continue to explore Taipei and the surrounding sights.

The only regret I have is only my Japanese teammate and his son sat with my family during dinner. Our group is a total of 17 and we have to split into two tables. I have 7 on my table and the other table have 10. I made the request for two to join us but nobody responded. They have sent a very clear signal to me.

What I like most about travelling is staying in the room with the TV on and doing my work or read. I guess my introvert nature makes it easy for me to travel. It can be lonesome to travel for work. I like the way New York Times describe business travellers - Road Warriors. I, however, finds loneliness recharges my energy.

Readers Digest used to publish articles call Armchair Travelog. It is an article on places. It has vivid descriptions and tells interesting stories about the people and the places of interest. I did not see this kind of articles in the recent copies of Readers Digest.


sattvicwarrior said...

you say...
I, however, finds loneliness recharges my energy.
I SAY!!!..
LONELINESS is the worst disease to mankind, but being ALONE is truly a GIFT OF THE GODS!
thanks for sharing:)

BookLover said...

Hi sattvicwarrior, thanks for dropping by. Love your comments.

In a city where there are so many people, it is possible to feel very alone.

Anonymous said...

In fact, being alone allows us to think without the noise disturbing our thoughts. Most of the times, I'm in my room read the book and analysing it. I love the precious moment of thinking things in the comfort of my room.